Ramadan 7th Day Dua & Amaal
March 7, 2025
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March 8, 202519th of Ramzan 1432 A.H. – Shab-e-Zarbat of the Commander of the Faithful
Imam Ali (a.s.) and the First Probable Night of Qadr (Shab-e-Qadr)
As per the Islamic calendar, the night of 19th Ramzan begins when the fast of 18th Ramzan is completed in the evening.
19th Ramzan corresponds to the 19th of August in Thailand, Australia, and Saudi Arabia, while it falls on the 20th of August in Pakistan. For other locations, please consult your local masjid or imambargah.
Shab-e-Zarbat of Imam Ali (a.s.)
This night marks immense difficulty for the Ahl-e-Bait (a.s.) and all momineen and mominaat. On the evening of 40 Hijrah, as always, Imam Ali (a.s.) had only salt and water for iftar. He then spent the entire night in prayer, with tears flowing from his eyes.
Throughout the night, he kept reciting:
“I have insufficient belongings for the journey, and the journey is too long.”
He was referring to his imminent departure towards his Lord (swt). His children remained beside him, wondering about the significance of the night. It was only in the morning that they understood—when the commander of the faithful and Wali of Allah (swt), Imam Ali (a.s.), was attacked during the Fajr prayers by a munafiq and mal’oon Ibn-e-Muljim (may Allah curse him). The fatal strike came from a poisoned sword. At that moment, Imam Ali (a.s.) uttered his famous words:
“Fuzto wa Rab-il-Kaaba” – “By the Lord of the Kaaba, I am successful.”
His sons, Imam Hasan (a.s.) and Imam Hussain (a.s.), along with close companions, carried him home, weeping. At his house, his daughters anxiously awaited their injured father. Despite his own suffering, Imam Ali (a.s.) was deeply concerned for his daughters and ensured that their cries were not heard outside.
However, in Karbala, the daughters of Imam Ali (a.s.) and Imam Hussain (a.s.) were brutally and savagely mistreated.
(Ala Lanatullahi Ala Qaum-iz-Zalimeen) – May Allah (swt) curse the cruel nation that committed atrocities against the Ahl-e-Bait (a.s.) of Prophet Muhammad (sawaw).